Mother Nature has a remedy for all your seasonal allergies and the secret is ‘inside’ the pollen. For the past month, I have been gathering pollen from grasses, trees, and weeds to make a special tincture that I call ‘Kick-A-Poo Joy Juice’ that reduces the wheezing, sneezing, sniffling, coughing, ear-clogging, throat burning, Flemish accent and in some cases, asthma.
When my pollen jar is full, I pour tequila to cover the pollen and seal it. This secret concoction marinates from the new moon to the full moon and the result is a homeopathic remedy based on etymological medicine. The history of homeopathy dates to Hippocrates and Paracelsus. The Mayans, Chinese, Greeks, Native Indians, and Asian Indians successfully used their knowledge to heal the body. But in the 1800’s, Samuel Hahnemann gave homeopathy its name and explained the law of similar or ‘like treats like’.
This was the beginning of a ‘systematic medical science’ based on the principle that the substance that causes symptoms of disease can cure similar symptoms in sick people. For instance, on the full moon, I strain off the liquid, separating it from the pollen, and pour a small amount into a one-ounce dropper bottle. Then I place a drop or two under my tongue when I start to sneeze or have any other allergy symptom. Sometimes it works quickly and other times it takes a couple of days to work.
My ‘Kick-A-Poo-Joy-Juice’ works great to reduce most of the allergies but sometimes I need additional support. My favorite way to stop the histamine release and strengthen my blood cell walls is to take Quercetin with NAC and L-Histidine on an empty stomach two or three times a day. One of my favorite formulas is Country Life ‘Allermax’(
The least toxic Chinese herbal formula I can find for allergies is Pine Mountain ‘Bi Yan Pian’ ( It is a special blend of Magnolia flower, Xanthium, Angelica Dahurica, Chrysanthemum, Scutellaria, Platycodon, Agastache, Forsythia, Schizonepeta, and Mint. These herbs are very gentle and commonly recommended to relieve rhinitis and sinusitis symptoms such as nasal congestion, and stuffy nose with a Flemish accent.
I also drink Nettle Tea ( and Mormon Tea ( throughout the day to help naturally reduce the histamine production in the digestive system as well as the sinuses and lungs. (Mormon tea may be over stimulating to the adrenals and nerves so it might be wise to drink it in the early part of your day.)
If I notice congestion at night, I love using my Crane Warm Inhaler & Mist Humidifier ( to keep the passages clear. I fill the tank with filtered/distilled water and add one dropper full of Natural Path ‘Colloidal Silver’ (, and one drop of Nutribiotic ‘Max GSE’ ( to be infused into the steam to soothe the sinus, throat, trachea and reduce inflammation in the lungs.
I hope this information will help everyone to enjoy the spring flowers!
Quote: ‘If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly our whole life would change.’ Buddha
PS: Every session booked in the month of April will receive a free ‘Love Cards Yearly Report’ ($30 value) which explains in detail the influences of the months ahead for one year to help with understanding the prosperity windows as well as navigating the challenges in life.
2nd PS: Ai did not write this blog!
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