Magnificent Love & Power In Your Heart Field

Every time I have had the privilege to sink my Soul’s Hands inside the heart, I have seen a luminous ball of light anchored in the center or septum of the heart which is the seat of the Soul.
This amazing ball of light is approximately one inch in diameter, and it is tethered inside the septum with strands of light like pictures I have seen of string theory. These light strings allow this ball of light to move out of the septum and back again.
Surrounding this vibrant ball of light in the heart is a translucent web emanating out in all directions inside and around the entire body saturating every cell of the physical and energy body with vitality, love, vigor, and strength.
From within the center of the heart emanates a powerful stream of light that is an umbilical cord to the Infinite Field of Creation. This lifeline consists of long spiraling filaments of light ascending out of the heart and into the Cosmos.
This connection to the divine gives everyone a continuous supply of unconditional love, boundless energy, ecstasy, expanded consciousness, and infinite knowledge that flows down inside the heart imbuing the body with a superpower that can override any challenge presented in our three-dimensional world.
I have watched many unborn babies latch their heart strings into the heart of the follicle in the ovary. As the follicle forms into an egg, the light around the egg grows bigger and stronger. This gives the egg the life force to develop into a baby, grow into a healthy child, and become a powerful adult.

I would love to share more about the heart’s energy field, but I would like to invite you to enjoy this meditation to connect with your own magnificent heart to experience its powerful love:        
(If so moved, feel free to share this with your friends.)

It has been a joy to reveal my perception with you and if you would like me to scan inside your heart and body, feel free to contact me by email at
In support of your magnificent Soul,
Reverend Wanda
Sedona School of Medical Intuitive Mastery

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