Walnut A Day Keeps Parasites Away!

Black walnuts are proof that food is our medicine!
Juglone is a metabolite produced from black walnuts which have antimicrobial, antifungal, sedative, oxidizing, antihypertensive, and especially anti-proliferative actions. Recent studies have demonstrated that juglone also exhibits anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-parasitic properties. Most important, it is effective for killing off parasites and harmful bacteria in the digestive system. When taken in any form, black walnuts can help to eliminate a wide range of parasites, including tapeworms, pinworms, and roundworms.
How Black Walnuts Works to Kill Parasites
The juglone in black walnut works by inhibiting the enzyme responsible for metabolism in the parasites, effectively starving them to death. This makes black walnut an effective treatment for parasitic infections without causing harm to the human body. Additionally, black walnut is rich in tannins, which help to expel parasites and other harmful organisms from the body, further aiding in the parasite-killing process.
The time it takes for black walnut to kill parasites can vary depending on the type and severity of the parasitic infection. In general, it may take a few weeks to a few months to fully eliminate parasites from the body. Keep in mind that parasites lay eggs and they hatch every six to nine months so it might be wise to detox all parasites, bacteria, and fungus during the summer months and my favorite way to do this is with ‘CanXida’ (
The reason I take ‘CanXida‘ with meals is because the black walnuts are combined with other herbs, such as wormwood, clove, grapefruit seed extract, berberine, garlic, caprylic acid, undecylenic acid, betaine hcl, pau d’arco, neem, biotin, and oregano oil to create a comprehensive parasite cleanse. This combination can increase the effectiveness of parasite cleansing and aid in the complete elimination of pathogens from my body.
If I am experiencing gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, thrush, yeast infections, toenail fungus, white coated tongue, sugar cravings, brain fog, fatigue, can’t lose weight, fungal skin rashes, or intestinal overgrowth/pain, I know my body is overloaded with parasites, bacteria, and fungus. So, I take ½ tab of the ‘CanXida’ with meals for a month to saturate the food with herbs they hate so they starve to death and leave.
I hope this information inspires everyone to nurture and care for their bodies. Please feel free to share this with your friends that may benefit from this information.
Black walnut and other herbs are known for their effectiveness in killing a wide range of parasites, but it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional for a comprehensive evaluation and treatment plan for parasitic, bacteri, and fungal infections.
When you need someone to look inside your body to return your body back to health, you are welcome to send me an email at wanda@medicalintuitivemastery.com

May we forever walk in harmony with Mother Nature,
Reverend Wanda
Sedona School of Medical Intuitive Mastery

Awaken, develop, and use your intuitive skills with my One-on-One Online Medical Intuitive Training Program:  https://reverendwanda.com/training/

Enjoy an inspiring read, ‘Journey To Creation’: https://www.amazon.com/Journey-Creation-Awakening-Humanitys-Destiny/dp/0985066202