Recent events have triggered anger, fear, and righteous indignation within many people, and it is right on schedule with the influence of three powerful planets. *Pluto, the planet of power and transformation is retrograding back through Aquarius bringing demands for equity and fairness. In October, Pluto will move back into Capricorn continuing to dismantle structure and government bodies till November. Then Pluto dances back into Aquarius for two decades bringing radical changes to society and politics, while instigating technological advances that bring us into the Star Trek age. *Uranus in Taurus is constantly changing the environment of money, food & land. Till 2026, Uranus will challenge all our traditional values and push for revolutionary changes in the material world, breaking us free from the old to embrace new possibilities. *Saturn moving through Pisces is asking us to face reality, take care of our health, trust our intuition to open increased wisdom and the freedom to live our truth. The grounding power of Saturn inspires the highly spiritual energy of Pisces to bring the intuitive knowledge into this physical world in a tangible way. This influence may make psychic surgery and med beds a normal occurrence escalating healing to a profound level all over the globe.
Truth is guided by our intuition, and there are many techniques to navigate safely through the present and future revolutionary changes. The following are six ways to tap into and use our sixth senses.
Emotional Wave: In the Human Design System, there are three types of ‘Emotional Wave’ guidance systems: the Individual, Collective and Tribal. The ‘Emotional’ has sharp mood swings and these emotions can cycle up and down several times a day or for a week or even a month repeatedly dredging up one’s inner knowing. The ‘Collective’ people are very creative, and their emotions can rise very high with fantasy inspiring them to engage in photography, writing, and drawing. But if they collapse into the depths of despair, they may blame others for their failures. The ‘Tribal’ emotional wave is very aggressive bringing physical expression of passion or violent actions. When their wave hits bottom, it can be very destructive unless channeled through hitting pillows, sports, or just screaming out in the wilderness. All emotional waves can be powerful guidance systems and you are welcome to contact me to find out if you have the emotional wave and how it may affect your life.
Splenic: The spleen located behind our stomachs communicates with a quick, intuitive voice that overrides logic and reasoning. It is important to pay attention to this form of instant knowing when it emerges from within our being and express it or write it down.
Gut or Dantien Knowing: This is my personal favorite, and it is a simple process of dropping down into our guts to feel the ‘up/yes’ or ‘down/no’ movement of intuition to discern what is best for us.
Body Pendulum: I like to combine my ‘Gut/Dantien’ knowing with my body pendulum. To do so, simply face north and ask a ‘yes or no’ question. When your body falls back, it is a ‘No’, and when your body falls forward, it is a ‘Yes’.
Muscle Testing: Press your thumb and middle finger pads together on your left hand creating the shape of an eye. This circular formation connects your fingers to the wisdom of your heart. Now, place your pointer finger on your right hand inside the eye of your left hand and press against the connection of the pads of your thumb and middle finger while asking a yes or no questions. When the answer is yes, the energy is strong, and the pads of your fingers will not separate. When the answer is no, the energy is weak, and the pads of the fingers will separate.
Soul’s Heart Wisdom: Place your hands on your heart and take three, slow deep breaths in and out while relaxing your body. Then begin asking your heart questions and wait for the answers to come. What you hear may surprise you.
Ai: I would like to give everyone a heads up about the use of Ai to make startling videos such this one of Ronald Reagan: These types of videos will become prolific throughout the internet trying to fool us into believing the illusionary world is real, so intuitive discernment will be important to navigate the future.
Have a lovely time playing with your intuitive guidance, Reverend Wanda