This time of year, may be a little frazzling to the nerves and it is essential to have a warm drink during the day to quiet your digestion or in the evening to calm your nerves and help you sleep.
Green Creamy Goodness: Green tea with creamy coconut is known as ‘nourishment in a mug’ and the 20 mg of caffeine in each cup may help stimulate your adrenals and digestive juices when you drink them before meals. These blended superfood powerhouses may become your new go to beverage during the day. I do not suggest drinking them in the evening as green tea might keep you awake. Recipe: Heat one cup coconut till hot but not boiling and add 1 tsp green tea. Shut off heat and let it steep for 2 minutes. Strain into a mug, sip and enjoy! (Coconut milk is on the avoid list for most blood types so substitute with hemp milk if desired.)
The Other Chocolate: My life-long personal favorite drink is hot carob milk. Unlike cocoa, carob is caffeine free, so there are no worries about it keeping you up at night and it is healthy for children as an alternative to hot chocolate as a bedtime drink. The tannins in carob contain gallic acid, which have antibacterial, antioxidant, antiviral, and antiseptic properties. Carob contains Vit E and reduces symptoms of cough, flu, anemia, and osteoporosis. It is also high in omega-6 fatty acids, folate, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, and potassium. Recipe: Bring 1 cup hemp, coconut, or almond milk to a warm temp but not boiling while stirring with a wire whisk. Add 1 tbsp carob powder, a pinch salt, and 1/2 tsp each vanilla, orange, and almond extracts to make it sweet. Add ¼ tsp of ground cinnamon and ginger for extra flavor. A few drops of peppermint extract give this drink a holiday zing. Continue to whisk till everything is incorporated and enjoy.
Herbal Healing at Bedtime: One of the oldest remedies for sleeplessness is warm milk but this recipe takes milk herbology to a whole new level. In this recipe nutmeg infuses the milk with a natural sleep aid and ashwagandha provides an adaptogenic quality that helps the body reduce stress while lulling you into the dreamtime. Recipe: 1 & ¼ cups of hemp, coconut, cashew, or oat milk. ½ tsp ground ginger ½ tsp cinnamon ¼ tsp ashwagandha powder 1/8th tsp ground cardamom 1/8th tsp allspice 1/8th tsp nutmeg 1/8th tsp cloves Pinch of white or black pepper ¼ tsp Madagascar Vanilla extract 1 Chamomile Tea bag 1 tsp ghee One cinnamon stick and dried star anise for decoration Instructions: In a saucepan, slowly mix milk, ginger, ashwagandha, cinnamon, cardamon, allspice, nutmeg, and ground cloves. Gently whisk to prevent clumping while heating to a slow simmer and remove from the heat. Add a chamomile tea bag and cover to let it steep for 5 minutes. Remove chamomile tea bag and stir in ghee with the cinnamon stick. Top with a star anise. Sip, savor, relax, and enjoy while listening to your favorite music to soothe your nerves.
December’s Continuation of My Special Discount by Popular Demand: Share this information with a friend and both of you will receive $20 off the following one-hour sessions. *Medical Intuitive *Psychic Card Reading *Emotional Core Wound Healing *Campfire Psychic Surgery Session *Transformation Session *Astrology, Astro-Cartography, and Human Design. Email me at to book your session.
Have a relaxed and calm holiday season, Reverend Wanda Sedona School of Medical Intuitive Mastery 928-300-5420
Every session in December will receive a free ‘Yearly Report’ ($30 value) which explains in detail the influences of the months ahead for one year to help with understanding the prosperity windows as well as navigating the challenges in life.