Today The Global Revolution Begins!

The next twenty years will be an amazing time for people to gather together to create amazing alternatives to everything in their lives with Pluto moving into Aquarius. Even though we appear to be at the precipice of WW3, with possible destruction of cities by migrants being cut off at the end of 2024, I am optimistic for everyone’s ability to be free, safe, healthy, and thrive again.
Pluto breaks through illusions in search of the utter truth but sometimes intense fears can reveal themselves when Pluto enters Aquarius, so it is time to face our “dark” side or ‘lower’ self that is afraid of not being able to survive or fulfill our lives to do what we love. I just went through Pluto moving through Capricorn from 2008 to 2024 and I experienced losses that brought me to my knees and its influence destroyed my life in many ways. As I reflect, I realize those experiences were my teachers and they made me a much stronger person than I was before.
While Pluto in Capricorn brough about recessions, inflation, money laundering, wars, corporate monopolies/failures, and widening economic divides; Pluto in Aquarius will start a brand-new cycle centered around community, progress, and innovation. It’s a whole different energy embodying brilliant ideas, visions, shared connections, and trail-blazing experiences. Its influence is also rebellious, taking off restraints and asking us to push forward into uncharted territories similar to the Jetsons:
These next two decades are about the collective good, inventive progress, while building an egalitarian mindset while shifting prosperity from the 1% to the 99%. Believe me, it will be attainable. We will see massive humanitarian revolutions and cultural change for the better. There will be new government structures, leading-edge technology, with advancements in medicine marking a turning point in everyone’s lives all across the globe. I am pretty excited about the flying cars and if anybody wants me to test drive one, let me know…see video below.
Pluto in Aquarius insists on a revolution, and we’re all part of the movement so I encourage everyone to ask yourselves, ‘How can I change the world for the better?’ Then get together with your friends and brainstorm on how to change everything in your lives to replace all the old systems, governments, corporations, banks, finance institutions, investments, insurance companies, technology, travel, energy companys, buiding materials, farming practices, toxic food, healthcare, medicine, plastics/toxic products we use everyday, etc…
Please look at ‘Policies For The People’: to be inspired!
Feel free to send this to a friend to lift up their spirits and give them hope!

November’s Special Discount:
Receive $20 off the following one-hour sessions.
*Medical Intuitive
*Psychic Card Readings
*Emotional Core Wound Healing
*Campfire Psychic Surgery Session
*Transformation Session
*Astrology, Astro-Cartography, and Human Design.
Email me at to book your session.

Believe in your dreams to live your passion and fulfill your destiny,
Reverend Wanda
Sedona School of Medical Intuitive Mastery
Enjoy an inspiring read, ‘Journey To Creation’:

Every session in November will receive a free ‘Yearly Report’ ($30 value) which explains in detail the influences of the months ahead for one year to help with understanding the prosperity windows as well as navigating the challenges in life