Metaphysical Weather Report Many people believe that Mercury Retrograde can have devastating effects on life, new projects, and business decisions, but there is a way around it.
August has seven ‘OP’ Opportunity Periods which may help to override the negative influences of Mercury Retrograde in Leo/Virgo from August 4 to 28, 2024.
Mercury retrograde is a suitable time to clean out the ‘closets’, and ‘OP’ Periods reduce all planetary interference, inspire free flow in decisions, and support important actions.
I invite you to write on your calendar the following dates to test out the successful influence of ‘OP’ periods: August 1, 2024: Cancer with Jupiter is exalted/strong supporting home projects. August 2, 2024: Cancer with Jupiter is exalted/strong supporting home projects. August 8, 2024: Libra is a great time to renew connections with important people. August 16, 2024: Capricorn supports practical business matters. August 22, 2024: Aries is great for competition in sports, and the dramatic arts, writing, and creativity. August 28, 2024: Cancer with Jupiter is exalted/strong supporting home projects. August 29, 2024: Cancer with Jupiter is exalted/strong supporting home projects.
The seven days listed above bring a positive influence whereby the moon moving through your birth chart is not interfered with or blocked by other transiting planets. Doors open to remove obstacles allowing the heavens to support your dreams.
These ‘OP’ periods apply to everyone around the world and if your individual transits, progressions, and returns are creating challenges in your life, the ‘OP’ periods help to create a positive outcome. August Special Discount: Share this information with a friend and both of you will receive $20 off the following one-hour sessions in August 2024. *Medical Intuitive *Psychic Card Reading *Emotional Core Wound Healing *Campfire Psychic Surgery Session *Transformation Session *Astrology, Human Design, and Astro-Cartography Sessions.